Now playing Next No Comment Iceland`s largest glacier threatened by climate change Iceland's largest glacier, a national jewel threatened by climate change Vatnajökull is one of the largest glaciers in Europe. With a guide, a group of tourists are about to climb this ice giant. 03/12/2021
Now playing Next Climate Why is there a huge iceberg melting outside COP26? Scientists have brought an iceberg from Greenland to Glasgow to remind world leaders just how fast the ice sheets are melting. 08/11/2021
Now playing Next Climate Ice on the edge of survival: How global warming is changing the Arctic Discussions at COP26 in Glasgow this month will also concern the fate of the Arctic region. If the Greenland ice sheet melts, sea levels will rise by 7 metres globally. 06/11/2021
Now playing Next Climate ‘Glue’ that holds icebergs together is melting in Antarctica Scientists are concerned that 'ice glue' is starting to melt due to the increasing heat, which will mean sea levels rise more rapidly. 17/10/2021
Now playing Next The Cube World's biggest iceberg breaks off from Antarctica, says ESA The 4,320 square-kilometre iceberg is larger than the island of Mallorca. It's broken off and is now floating in Antarctica's Weddell Sea. 20/05/2021
Now playing Next Climate On thin ice: How global warming is threatening Iceland's glaciers As Iceland‘s glaciers recede, scientists predict that they may largely vanish in the next 100-200 years. 24/02/2021
Now playing Next No Comment Huge iceberg in South Atlantic begins to break up A new section that has broken off the iceberg, which is approximately the size of a small island, is so big it has been given its own label. 24/12/2020
Now playing Next Green News How the world's biggest iceberg could cause an environmental disaster The frozen behemoth has been drifting through the Antarctic since 2017. 23/12/2020
Now playing Next World News World's largest iceberg captured in photos by UK air force plane The sprawling 4,200-sq-km mass, called A68a, was on course towards the island of South Georgia. 05/12/2020
Now playing Next World News Iceberg 'size of Luxembourg' on collision course with South Georgia If the iceberg hits the southern Atlantic island, it could have catastrophic consequences for wildlife such as seals and penguins at the height of pup and chick-rearing. 04/11/2020
Now playing Next World News Before and after: Huge iceberg breaks off from ice shelf in Antarctica A massive iceberg that is five times the size of Malta has broken away from Antarctica. 30/09/2019
Now playing Next Green News Adventure photography: witnessing the fate of Icelandic glaciers Our interview with outdoor image makers Ulrika Larsson and Lukasz Warzecha. 28/03/2019
Now playing Next Living Our future is melting away and this artist wants us to see it Centuries-old Greenland icebergs in the heart of London raise awareness of climate change. 12/12/2018
Now playing Next World News NASA shares first pictures of massive Antarctic iceberg from PIG The close-up photographs showed the giant iceberg that NASA said was "three times the size of Manhatten". 10/11/2018
Now playing Next World News NASA has found a rectangular iceberg A tabular iceberg has been photographed by NASA in the Antarctic. 24/10/2018