Now playing Next Nature Cutting down trees is boosting biodiversity in this Finnish forest The tree stumps they leave behind are providing a unique habitat for birds and insects. 02/03/2022
Now playing Next Nature Why is no one talking about the surge in forest growth in Europe? Growth of European woodland seems to be an exception to the ongoing international deforestation crisis, but political challenges related to global forestry are greater than tree planting. 24/02/2022
Now playing Next Green News Scientists discover unique greenhouse gas effect in the Congo Basin The Congo Basin is home to one of the world’s largest rainforests, so why do we know so little about it? 17/02/2022
Now playing Next Nature Karachi’s urban forest is bringing nature to the heart of the city Six years ago this was an abandoned waste land, now it's a nature filled forest in the middle of Pakistan's largest city. 23/01/2022
Now playing Next Eco-Innovation Scientists can now map carbon to the scale of tennis courts from space The new Chloris map reveals that southern European countries are the ‘sleeping giants’ of carbon sinks. 13/01/2022
Now playing Next Climate Seven times polluters lost and the environment won in 2021 From COP26 to Cambo, forests to the sea floor, we look back at some of campaigners' brightest victories over the last 12 months. 17/12/2021
Now playing Next Nature Free trees are being handed out to the entire population in Wales People who cannot take part in the scheme can choose for a free tree to be planted on their behalf. 07/12/2021
Now playing Next Nature How a map of underground mushrooms can help us fight climate change Is underground climate science the next frontier? The founders of a new project to map and protect Earth's fungal networks think so. 02/12/2021
Now playing Next Nature Back from the brink: Bison return to Romania after 200-year absence Rescued from extinction, wild bison have made themselves at home in Romania’s Carpathian Mountains 01/12/2021
Now playing Next Sci-Tech Enzymes and wood biomolecules, a winning combo for sustainable packaging Discover the company that won the 2021 Innovation Radar Prize by using a combination of enzymes and biomolecules from wood to create the biodegradable packaging of tomorrow. 19/11/2021
Now playing Next Green News Beef and coffee to be certified ‘deforestation-free’ under new EU law The EU has unveiled a major new proposal to fight deforestation with import bans on some commodities. Is it ambitious enough? 18/11/2021
Now playing Next Europe Decoded Explained: How the EU plans to ban products linked to deforestation The European Commission has published an initial list of targeted products, covering soy, beef, palm oil, cocoa and coffee, as well as wood. 17/11/2021
Now playing Next Spotlight Rainforests in the DRC: "a solution" for climate change In partnership with The European Union Delegation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo The Congo Basin is home to the second-largest tropical forest on the planet. We take a look at how the Democratic Republic of the Congo with the help of the EU is helping to fight climate change and restore biodiversity there. 08/11/2021
Now playing Next Green News Euroviews. 5 reasons why you should listen out for ‘nature tech’ at COP26 Nature4Climate director Lucy Almond explains why bringing together natural and technological solutions to the climate crisis is key. 03/11/2021
Now playing Next Nature Ending deforestation by 2030: Landmark deal or rerun of past failures? From Brazil to Indonesia to the UK, countries across the planet have promised to halt and reverse deforestation and land degradation within the next nine years. 02/11/2021
Now playing Next Green News Deadly tree disease highlights risks of monocultures A disease never before found in European trees highlights the risk that monoculture forests present. 22/10/2021
Now playing Next Green News Polish activists protest as logging resumes in Bialowieza forest Polish authorities say the logging operations are legal and necessary to protect against wood-boring insects. 13/10/2021
Now playing Next Green News Win-win-win: The climate-saving power of protecting forests Forests are being failed seven years after the New York pact to protect them, despite their enormous potential. 13/10/2021
Now playing Next Nature Refugees in Cameroon have turned a desert camp into a thriving forest Planting thousands of trees is providing jobs, food, medicine and more water in the future for thousands of people. 10/10/2021
Now playing Next Scenes The Jordanian architect who grew a 100-year-old forest in 10 years In partnership with Media City “That made me see the landscape in a different light and the potential of that landscape if human intervention was not affecting it in a negative way.” 04/10/2021