Now playing Next Green News New tech could prevent biodiversity crisis using DNA analysis The solution uses traces of genetic material in water samples to map species. 18/06/2021
Now playing Next World News Researchers want to fight mass extinction by analysing DNA Mapping biodiversity using DNA collected from rivers and wetlands around the world hopes to monitor the different species from bacteria to blue whales. 17/06/2021
Now playing Next Green News EU countries could be forced to take biodiversity seriously MEPs demand binding targets to protect wildlife and humans as new biodiversity strategy is adopted by 515 votes to 90. 09/06/2021
Now playing Next Green News Dutch ecologists invented a fish doorcam and it's got thousands hooked Over 100,000 people rang the bell in just two months and people from all over the world tuned into the underwater livestream of the Dutch canal 07/06/2021
Now playing Next Green News South Korea's 'high security seed vault' is ready for an apocalypse The vault stores 5,000 different species of wild plants, to ensure they are not lost in extreme events caused by climate change or war. 02/06/2021
Now playing Next Eco-Innovation The homegrown hive that could save Ireland’s bees Euronews Green spoke to a young Irish beekeeper who has designed a hive made from mushroom roots and old sawdust. 27/05/2021
Now playing Next Green News World Biological Diversity Day: Young climate leaders are speaking out This International Day for Biological Diversity, we look at what’s going on in the run-up to COP26. 22/05/2021
Now playing Next Green News World has 'fallen far short' on biodiversity targets, says UN report Large areas have gained protected status in the last decade but it's not enough to tackle biodiversity loss. 21/05/2021
Now playing Next Nature This VR experience imagines a future without vital pollinators The European Commission reached out to gamification, storytelling and immersive technologies to save the bees. 30/04/2021
Now playing Next Climate New climate-resistant coffee bean discovery has ‘superior flavour’ A heat-tolerant, drought-resistant species of coffee has been rediscovered by experts. 20/04/2021
Now playing Next Nature What are mangroves and why are they so important for the planet? We're lifting the lid on this underappreciated but absolutely vital ecosystem. 17/04/2021
Now playing Next Climate COP26 isn't the only major environmental convention happening in 2021 2021 has been dubbed a ‘Super Year For Nature’, as the three major environmental COPs coincide. 29/03/2021
Now playing Next Green News These disposable face masks are designed to be thrown away A Dutch designer has come up with a biodegradable mask full of flower seeds that can be planted in your garden. 26/03/2021
Now playing Next Nature Extraordinary photos of the world’s first underwater climate protest An activist from Greenpeace held placards while floating in the water above seagrass meadows in the Indian Ocean. 18/03/2021
Now playing Next Nature No need to choose between eating fish and saving the ocean say experts Establishing Marine Protection Areas could save fisheries, ecosystems and help the ocean’s ability to store carbon. 17/03/2021
Now playing Next Nature Poland set to resume logging in one of Europe's last primeval forests Logging in Bialowieza forest was suspended in 2017 after a ruling by the European Court of Justice. 12/03/2021
Now playing Next Eco-Innovation ‘Dark vessels’ are being tracked from space to stop illegal fishing Satellite technology is being brought in to help combat problems with unregulated fishing in coastal nations. 25/02/2021
Now playing Next Green News Climate app for kids forces adults to sit up and listen A fun, eco-friendly app is engaging children with the climate crisis through interactive artwork. 24/01/2021
Now playing Next Green News No experience required: Could you be the UK’s first Bison herder? Rangers will manage four of these huge mammals after they are released into a woodland near Canterbury, Kent. 14/01/2021
Now playing Next Nature Satellites are being used to help save the world’s coral reefs This project aims to make it faster, cheaper and easier to save the world’s precious coral reef systems. 14/01/2021