Israel has announced it will freeze tax funds and attempt to bring war crime prosecutions against Palestinian leaders in retaliation to Palestinian
Israel has announced it will freeze tax funds and attempt to bring war crime prosecutions against Palestinian leaders in retaliation to Palestinian moves to join the International Criminal Court.
Palestinian officials delivered the documents to the UN with the aim of prosecuting Israelis for what they consider war crimes.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, that they will not allow army officials to be dragged before the court, continuing that the Palestinian leaders should face trial for entering an alliance with Hamas.
Israel will withhold more than 100 million euros worth of tax revenues, money crucial to running the Palestinian Authority.
“The Palestinian leadership and the Palestinian people won’t give up on our Palestinian core issues- the right to be free and independent, the the right of return as well as a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as it’s capital – in exchange for this money,” explained Wassel Abu Yousseff from the Palestine Liberation Organisation.
Momentum to recognise a Palestinian state has been building since the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas succeeded in de facto recognition at the UN in 2012, which made Palestinians eligible to join the International Criminal Court