The baby gets to ride free on the entire RATP network until his 25th birthday.
Locals experienced train delays in Paris Monday morning when a woman gave birth to a baby boy at the Auber station on the busy RER A line.
The delay was displayed on the screens of the station, the reason being listed as “the unexpected birth of a baby at Auber station.”
The mother and the baby were seen by paramedics and then safely evacuated to the nearest clinic, RER A posted on its Twitter account.
It was later announced that Paris transport operator RATP would grant the baby free rides on the whole network until his 25th birthday.
Valérie Pécresse, president of the Ile-de-France region, congratulated the birth on Twitter:
“All sorts of events occur on the RER, some of them happier than others! A long and happy life to the baby.”