Conciliatory, even eager to meet the demands of British Prime Minister David Cameron.
Conciliatory, even eager to meet the demands of British Prime Minister David Cameron. Since the beginning German Chancellor Angela Merkel supported his wish for a European agreement on measures to prevent the United Kingdom leaving the EU.
But the German Chancellor has not commented directly on her thoughts on the referendum which will decide if the UK remains in Europe.
But she has indicated her preferences on the subject on several occasions.
“Everybody speaks from their own perspective. I say it from my perspective: we want an economically strong and prosperous Britain in the European Union. The decision belongs to the citizens of Great Britain,” was one view she gave and at the end of May again spoke of her wishes while adding a caveat.
“There are signs that all of us who are sitting here, I think, wish for Great Britain to remain part of the European Union but this is of course to be decided by the British voters.”
Trade was her theme at the start of June when she said: “And regarding the trade relations which are important for Germany and Great Britain and for all of us, one country alone cannot reach such good results.
‘That’s why I am certain that it benefits all of us and it would also benefit the British people, to bring all their powers into the negotiations as part of the European Union. And that it will be better for the British people rather than it coming from the outside.”