Now playing Next World News Lavrov hits Turkey with more penalties, doubts commitment to war on "secret allies" ISIL Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has used a meeting with his Syrian opposite number in Moscow to launch a stinging attack on the Turkish 27/11/2015
Now playing Next World News And also... #1in5Muslims; not quite terrorism; Russia's unlikely friendship Every Friday, journalists from euronews’ various language teams choose a selection of stories from Europe and beyond which might not have reached the 27/11/2015
Now playing Next Economy Athens 'agrees new measures' to secure next bailout funds A Greek newspaper is reporting that Athens and its international lenders have agreed a new set of measures the country must approve by next months to 27/11/2015
Now playing Next Economy Will anti-austerity Portugal become the new Greece? Is Portugal about to take the same path as Greece? That’s the question being asked as the country’s new Socialist government was sworn in promising 27/11/2015
Now playing Next No Comment Poignancy in Paris as attack victims' names read out This is the poignant moment the names of the Paris attacks victims were read out at a national memorial service today (November 27) at the Invalides. 27/11/2015
Now playing Next No Comment France pays tribute to Paris attack victims A national memorial service has been held in France to honour the 130 people who died as a result of the Paris attacks a fortnight ago. President 27/11/2015
Now playing Next Cinema Sufragette - a film which reflects a milestone in British history For women to have the right to vote in the UK a group of women suffered the brutality of the authorities and the contempt of a part of society. Sarah 27/11/2015
Now playing Next Culture news The Wainwright sisters sing El Condor Pasa It was Simon and Garfunkle with tones that seemed to tiptoe over the words who made the song “El Condor Pasa” famous. Now another version has been 27/11/2015
Now playing Next Unreported Europe Belgium seeks answers over its apparent status as a spring board for Europe's jihadists Since the Paris attacks soldiers and police have flooded the streets of what is in effect Europe’s administrative capital in neighbouring Belgium 27/11/2015
Now playing Next Kenya Kenya: Pope Francis visits slum, calls for more to be done about poverty On his final day in Kenya, Pope Francis calls on the government to do more to lift people out of poverty. 27/11/2015
Now playing Next France Paris terror victims honoured in national memorial service France has paid tribute to the 130 people killed in the terrorist attacks in Paris, exactly two weeks ago today. At a solemn ceremony at the city’s 27/11/2015
Now playing Next USA USA: estimates suggest early Black Friday sales not up to the mark Cheers could be heard outside shops US-wide as Black Friday sales kicked off slightly earlier than usual. In an effort to compete with online 27/11/2015
Now playing Next My Europe Series Utalk: European PNR - what's at stake? This week on Utalk, we answwer a question posted online by Muriel: “In the wake of Paris attacks, the creation of a European PNR, or a Passenger 27/11/2015
Now playing Next USA US: man arrested after jumping White House fence The White House in Washington has been in lockdown, after a man jumped the fence. He was quickly caught and now faces criminal charges. The 27/11/2015
Now playing Next Italy Italian police seize hundreds of rifles bound for Belgium Italian border police have confiscated almost eight hundred shotguns from a Dutch truck, which was travelling from Turkey to Belgium. The vehicle was 27/11/2015
Now playing Next Venezuela Probe opens into murder of Venezuelan opposition leader An investigation has been launched in Venezuela into the murder of a local opposition leader, killed just days before a legislative election. Luis 27/11/2015
Now playing Next Turkey Turkey: two journalists jailed over Syria smuggling reports Two prominent journalists in Turkey are facing charges of espionage after publishing video that allegedly showed trucks, belonging to the state 27/11/2015
Now playing Next Turkey Turkey dismisses Russia's economic threats over downing of fighter jet There is an escalating war of words after Turkey’s downing of a Russian fighter jet. Moscow is threatening economic retaliation, something Ankara is 27/11/2015
Now playing Next Portugal Portugal's new government sworn in Portugal’s new government has been sworn in, ending weeks of political uncertainty. It is led by the moderate Socialist party and backed in 27/11/2015