Living with autism can be difficult, and helping children live with it can be overwhelming for parents. Education can play a key role. In this edition of Learning World we explore projects in China and Canada, and talk to Théo Peters, a neuro-linguist from Belgium.
Deserving recognition, China
In China, millions of children have Autism Spectrum Disorders, but because the condition is not widely recognised in the country, many of them do not get any help. However there is work going on to raise parental awareness about their children’s behaviour.
One school in Beijing is a bit different from the others; the mothers do not leave their children at the school gates, they go to school with them. The Stars and Rain Centre is the first NGO in China helping children with autism — a condition which literally translates to ‘the loneliness disease’ in Chinese — and which has only been officially recognised since 2006.
The centre aims to help autistic children learn, develop, and lead as normal life as possible; they also help parents understand the condition.
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Understanding autism
Théo Peeters is a neuro-linguist who is fascinated by autism. We met him in Dijon, France, where he was speaking at one of the many events he organises around the world to spread his vision of autism.
A lot to say, Canada
Technology can provide useful tools for engaging autistic children. In Toronto, Canada, the Beverley School caters for children with all kinds of difficulties, including autism.
Children with autism often find it difficult to say what they have to say. They find it hard to express their needs. The introduction of electronic tablets in the classrooms at the Beverley School has been a great help.
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