Now playing Next World News Euroviews. Tired of being let down, Roma are now standing up for themselves Roma people are joining forces to support our communities. But to create a fairer and equal Europe, our leaders must share more than mere words, Željko Jovanović writes. 08/04/2023
Now playing Next Scenes Meet the Turkish garbage collector fighting against discrimination, one MMA fight at a time In partnership with Media City I cannot live without MMA. 06/02/2023
Now playing Next Greece Fresh protests in Greece as Roma teenager dies after police shooting A Roma boy died on Tuesday morning a week after a police officer shot him in the head in northern Greece. 13/12/2022
Now playing Next No Comment Greek police officer under house arrest Two hundred people from the Roma community gathered in front of the Thessaloniki courthouse in Greece in solidarity with a Roma teenager who was shot and wounded by a police officer. 09/12/2022
Now playing Next Greece Greece calls for calm amid protests against Roma police shooting A 16-year-old Roma boy is in critical condition after being shot in the head by police near Thessaloniki. 08/12/2022
Now playing Next Greece Violent protests in Greece after police shoot teenager in head The 16-year-old Roma boy was shot by police in the northern city of Thessaloniki, after allegedly not paying a €20 bill at a petrol station. 05/12/2022
Now playing Next Creators Flamenco, gender and tradition: The Roma musician breaking stereotypes Noelia Heredia is a Spanish musician who plays the cajón, a box-shaped percussion instrument traditionally played by men. For her, music is life: "without flamenco, without singing and without music, I think I would die." 01/12/2022
Now playing Next Europe News MEPs call for better funding to integrate and support Roma communities A resolution has urged member states to address the poverty and discrimination faced by Roma people. 06/10/2022
Now playing Next Culture news New film celebrates Charlie Chaplin's Romani background Friday, April 8 is International Romani Day. As Roma advocacy groups raise the alarm over discrimination on the Ukrainian border, Euronews looks back at a surprising cultural icon who had a stark message on the treatment of minorities in his own time. 08/04/2022
Now playing Next Culture news Roma actress smashes stigma in Bucharest Theatre's one-woman-show Growing up Alina Serban didn't see herself represented on television, in movies or books. Shunned from the cultural mainstream, she is taking matters into her own hands. 03/02/2022
Now playing Next Art Sotheby's third 'Stone' series centres on Italy, mixing old with new Bidding for the 'Stone III' sale closes on Wednesday evening and can be followed online. 19/01/2022
Now playing Next Slovenia Slovenian locals urge authorities to tackle crime in Roma settlement Slovenian authorities have now started to implement intensive controls, with the help of horseback units and Roma police officers. 21/12/2021
Now playing Next Design Hungarian design studio highlights Roma culture as an act of defiance Romani Design was started by the Varga sisters when they feared their traditions were disappearing after centuries of oppression. 17/12/2021
Now playing Next Slovakia Slovakia apologises for forced sterilisations of Roma women Thousands of Roma women were forced into sterilisation in Slovakia dating back to the Communist rule of 1966. 25/11/2021
Now playing Next Scenes Meet the Roma girl band empowering women and challenging stereotypes In partnership with Media City "The message we send is that a girl should be independent, strong, believe in herself, and have a goal and not marry early." 22/11/2021
Now playing Next World News Euroviews. EU climate measures must not leave the vulnerable behind | View Marginalised groups like the Roma people are disproportionately affected by climate change. They have to be included in the response, not harmed by it, writes the Open Society Foundations' Zeljko Jovanovic 05/11/2021
Now playing Next Greece Greek police accused of 'possible racism' over shooting of Roma man The Hellenic League of Human Rights says the police shooting last month has "highlighted a number of long-standing serious issues". 02/11/2021
Now playing Next Czech Republic Czech police maintain officers not resposnible for Roma man's death The death of the Stanislav Tomáš has stoked divisions between Czech authorities and the Roma minority community, who reject the official autopsies. 28/10/2021
Now playing Next Culture news Meet Hungary's 'last' Roma fortuneteller Fortuneteller Zoltan Sztojka is working to preserve his culture's traditions that are slowly vanishing in the Central European count. 15/10/2021
Now playing Next Czech Republic The story of Roma women's forced sterilisation in central Europe Forced sterilisation of Roma women happened in the Czech Republic and its predecessor, Czechoslovakia, over four decades. Now, finally, victims can ask for compensation. 02/08/2021