Now playing Next This will impact your life In Europe, soaring petrol prices become the new normal Across the continent, the war in Ukraine has seen petrol and diesel prices rise - and it is likely to get a lot worse. 11/03/2022
Now playing Next Green News Is this renewable biofuel worse for the climate than petrol? President Joe Biden is reviewing policies on biofuels as part of a broader effort to decarbonise the US economy by 2050. 16/02/2022
Now playing Next Green News Is Brexit making Greggs' vegan sausage rolls run out? The sausage roll deficit is being caused by a shortage of heavy goods drivers to make deliveries, with the coronavirus pandemic, Brexit and tax changes all to blame. 17/11/2021
Now playing Next Green News The end of a 'toxic era': The UN has completely banned leaded petrol In a press conference yesterday, the UN announced it had been successful in completely halting the production of leaded petrol. 31/08/2021