Huu Can Tran, a 72-year old Asian man, has been named as the person behind the deadly shooting in Monterey Park, California. His motivation is still unclear.
Police in the US confirmed the identity of the man behind the deadly shooting in Monterey Park as Huu Can Tran, a 72 year old Asian male.
A SWAT team smashed a window of a white van in Torrance, around 45 kilometres away from in Monterey Park in California. Police had surrounded the van with tactical vehicles and bomb squad trucks for hours before going in. They found a body slumped over the steering wheel 12 hours after the incident at a dance studio, which saw at least ten people killed. Another ten were wounded.
Sheriff Robert G. Luna, Los Angeles County said that the SWAT team approached and cleared the van and "determined the suspect sustained a self inflicted gun shot wound and was pronounced dead at the scene."
Motive still unclear
Several pieces of evidence were found inside the van linking the suspect to both locations in Monterey Park and Alhambra. In addition, a handgun was discovered inside the van.
Authorities had been looking for a white van as part of their investigation into the Saturday evening shooting.
The attacker he fled when people wrestled the weapon from him at another ballroom in Alhambra. Officials are still unclear what the motive of the Asian-American man was behind the incident.
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