Now playing Next Mobility This micro EV could solve parking problems in Europe’s crowded cities The Israel-based start-up City Transformer says it plans to produce 15,000 vehicles by the end of 2024 at a new factory in Western Europe. 01/02/2023
Now playing Next Eco-Innovation Meet the Indian maths teacher who made his own solar-powered car The entrepreneur went viral for his prototype of a ‘luxurious’ electric vehicle that is not just for the super wealthy. 26/01/2023
Now playing Next Mobility This Israeli start-up is designing electric planes for personal use The new two-seater eVTOL will have a 160 km range from a single charge and is being designed to fly commuters on short trips. 02/01/2023
Now playing Next Climate Human composting: How to stay green after you hit the grave New York has become the latest US state to legalise terramation - a way for environmentalists to protect the planet long after they’ve left it behind. 02/01/2023
Now playing Next Living How to recycle your Christmas tree this January Cut Christmas trees don’t have to be binned at the end of the 12th night - see how others across Europe are putting them to good use. 02/01/2023
Now playing Next Nature Green energy: Scientists generate electricity from a plant Scientists have successfully used a succulent plant to create a living ‘bio-solar cell’ that runs on photosynthesis. 14/12/2022
Now playing Next Scenes Meet the Brazilian engineer cruising on plastic bottle tops In partnership with Media City "We want to be an example for kids and other businesses to show that they can use plastic waste and other residues to have a more circular economy." 05/12/2022
Now playing Next Eco-Innovation Hydroponics: Inside the refugee camp growing veg without soil The new technique may prove to be a "climate change buster" in rural and semi-urban areas in Zimbabwe and beyond. Here's how it works. 04/12/2022
Now playing Next Eco-Innovation It may look rude but this 'skybrator' is producing clean energy NIMBYism is one of biggest threats to the transition to renewable energy. So silent, small designs could make a big difference to installation rates. 02/12/2022
Now playing Next Mobility This all-electric snow-bike could be hitting the Alps this year The snow-bike won’t be allowed on regular slopes but will be allowed on special closed snow-bike areas or guided trails. 28/11/2022
Now playing Next Eco-Innovation This floating solar farm chases the sun to absorb more energy It is the first floating solar farm in the world to use the technology. 22/11/2022
Now playing Next Tech News This nightclub is saving energy by harnessing revellers' body heat The BodyHeat system harvests heat generated by partiers and stores it in 12 underground boreholes, before being used to heat or cool the venue later. 14/11/2022
Now playing Next Eco-Innovation Eggs could help us fight plastic pollution, research finds Microplastics pollute drinking water around the globe. Researchers at Princeton University have come up with a novel new solution. 09/11/2022
Now playing Next Tech News Wind turbines may one day capture CO2 and use it to make cement New research into wind turbines claims they may be able to remove carbon dioxide from the air - and use it for concrete production. 03/11/2022
Now playing Next Nature Trentino: The Italian region embracing ‘back-to-nature’ forestry In 2018, a devastating storm ripped up thousands of trees in Northern Italy. Then, a bark-beetle plague struck. 20/10/2022
Now playing Next Tech News This French start-up makes microbatteries the size of a breadcrumb The microbatteries developed by ITEN are just a few millimetres thick and could be used across a range of consumer electronics. 18/10/2022
Now playing Next Green News Wax worm saliva rapidly dissolves plastic bags, scientists discover To help combat plastic waste, these scientists are taking a worms’ eye view. 05/10/2022
Now playing Next Mobility All-electric plane 'Alice' takes to the skies on its first test flight An Israeli start-up successfully conducted the first test flight of its all-electric plane called "Alice". 30/09/2022
Now playing Next Mobility Is this electric passenger plane the future of fossil-free flying? A Swedish company is building this prototype to fly 200 kilometres on battery power alone, but its range could be doubled thanks to a hybrid turbo generator. 19/09/2022
Now playing Next Living Are e-scooters good for the planet? They're cheap, fast, pleasant, practical and of course, electric. But are e-scooters really good for the environment? 16/09/2022