Now playing Next Germany In Germany, pro-Russian protesters complain of discrimination "We organised this protest because many of us Russian speakers, Russians, have been discriminated against and harassed because of our language culture." 11/04/2022
Now playing Next Travel News Why are 40 million Russian expats being asked to call home? This organisation is urging Russian speakers all over the world to call everyone in Russia and talk about the war in Ukraine. 11/03/2022
Now playing Next People These 9 words don’t exist in English but you’ll wish they did Words can tell you a lot about a culture and these are some of the best and most unique. 14/11/2021
Now playing Next Ukraine Euroviews. In the fight against Russian influence in Ukraine, language matters. It’s Kyiv, not Kiev ǀ View Finding justice for Ukrainians, including my own family, starts with resisting Russia’s propaganda and promoting the Ukrainian language. It starts with spelling Ukraine’s capital as Kyiv. 19/05/2020
Now playing Next World News Which EU countries teach most of their students a second language? On the European Day of Languages, a new report has found just eleven EU countries are teaching 90% or more of their students in lower secondary education a second language. 26/09/2018
Now playing Next Latvia Children go native as Latvian schools say 'Nē' to Russian A war of linguistics erupts in Riga as government plans to move schools to teach only in Latvian meet with disdain from Russian speaking parents 20/07/2018
Now playing Next Russia All the Russian football phrases you need to know for the World Cup Going to the World Cup, or are you just looking to shout at the TV in your best Russian? Here are all the phrases you need to know in under a minute, including how to order vodka... 13/06/2018