Now playing Next United Kingdom Euroviews. Lessons learnt by Britain in 1931 could save the Eurozone from post-coronavirus catastrophe ǀ View
Now playing Next Economy Italian banks face sluggish response on cash calls as capital crisis looms Investor confidence in Italian banks ability to raise money to cover bad debt takes a tumble as fears over government's future weigh on market. 29/11/2016
Now playing Next Economy Eurozone inflation rises in September Eurozone inflation got a caffeine and nicotine fuelled boost in September as people paid more in restaurants and cafes. Cigarette prices also rose. 17/10/2016
Now playing Next Economy Eurozone is doomed without radical reform says economist Stiglitz As the eurozone struggles with weak growth and the threat of deflation, left-leaning economist and Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz told Euronews the currency bloc is doomed without radical changes. 13/09/2016
Now playing Next Economy ECB monetary policies face complaint before Germany Constitutional Court - again Another complaint against the European Central Bank's quantitative easing policies has been made to Germany's Constitutional Court. 17/05/2016
Now playing Next Economy Eurozone GDP back to pre-2008 crisis level, unemployment falls, inflation down The eurozone economy grew 0.6 percent, its fastest pace in five years in Q1 2016, unemployment dipped to 10.2 percent in March, but consumer prices were down 0.2 percent in April. 29/04/2016
Now playing Next Economy Eurozone slowdown worsens as businesses report another difficult month More signs have emerged of a eurozone slowdown as the latest surveys of the region's businesses indicate they had their worst month in over a year. 03/03/2016
Now playing Next Economy Europe Weekly: key deals for Greece and Iran In this edition of Europe Weekly we look back at the two deals that have dominated the news over the last seven days. Greece’s parliament approved a 17/07/2015
Now playing Next Business Line Greece deal spells more pain for debt-crippled economy The deal reached by Athens and its international creditors in the early hours of Monday (13 June) saw Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras concede to 15/07/2015
Now playing Next Greece Who owns Greek debt? As international creditors mull over Greece’s latest proposals to resolve the debt crisis. Here we have a look at how much Athens owes and to whom 10/07/2015
Now playing Next State Of The Union Europe Weekly: Greece seeks third bailout In this edition of Europe Weekly, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras asks international creditors for a third bailout – despite 61 percent of those 10/07/2015
Now playing Next Greece "Ball is in Athens' court" says Germany following Greek vote As supporters of the “No” vote gathered in central Athens in celebration, reaction came in from Greece’s eurozone partners, in particular Germany 05/07/2015
Now playing Next Greece Greece votes 'No' in overwhelming rejection of bailout proposals Greece seems to have decisively rejected the bailout terms put forward by its international creditors. The Greek people have voted an overwhelming 05/07/2015
Now playing Next Europe News Greek deal to be reached "this week" After five months of deadlock, a solution to the Greek debt crisis will be presented to European leaders this week, European Council President Donald 22/06/2015
Now playing Next Europe News Greek solution "by the end of the week" After months of deadlock, a solution to the Greek debt crisis is near, says Guntram Wolff of the Brussels based think-tank, Bruegel. He joined 22/06/2015
Now playing Next Greece Appeals for flexibility on Greek reforms but war of words with Europe continues There is both hope that progress can be made, and tension spilling over into angry exchanges, ahead of planned negotiations on Wednesday between the Syriza government and EU creditors. 10/03/2015
Now playing Next Belgium 'Stop wasting time and get down to some real reforms' - Eurogroup chief tells Greece Eurozone finance ministers meeting in Brussels have warned Greece to stop wasting time and to get down to some serious work on economic reforms. The 10/03/2015
Now playing Next Economy Europe Weekly: a tense week for Greece Coming up in Europe Weekly: deal or no deal as Greece runs dangerously close of running out of money. What next for Ukraine in the aftermath of 20/02/2015
Now playing Next Greece ECB ups the pressure on Greece and its promises to renegotiate its debt Pressure is growing on Greece and it finance minister to toe the line and stick to its financial commitments. 04/02/2015