Now playing Next Cyprus Greeks and Turks 'fail to agree' on new map for Cyprus The two sides talking in Geneva over the future of Cyprus have reportedly failed to reach agreement over a new map for the divided Mediterranean island. 15/01/2017
Now playing Next Cyprus President of Cyprus: 'dialogue with Turks in itself is an achievement' The President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades says at this stage in the Geneva talks on reuniting Cyprus that dialogue is what is important. 13/01/2017
Now playing Next Switzerland Cyprus talks to resume soon amid 'last effort' to find solution Talks to resolve the 40-year division of Cyprus ended without agreement on Thursday night but there are plans for officials to meet again in a week. 13/01/2017
Now playing Next Cyprus Cyprus: the new UN Secretary-General's first challenge Reunification talks on Cyprus take an international turn: the foreign ministers of the island's guarantors join the UN's Secretary-General in Geneva. 12/01/2017
Now playing Next Switzerland Hopes for a peaceful Cyprus lie in a UN vault The historic Cyprus talks in Geneva have been slow and difficult. 12/01/2017
Now playing Next World News Talks on Cyprus reach crucial point, territorial issues remain Talks on the reunification of Cyprus reach a crucial point. Delegates say progress has been made and maps exchanged, but work remains. 11/01/2017
Now playing Next Switzerland 'Peace deal for Cyprus is possible' says UN at unity talks A peace deal in Cyprus is difficult but possible – that was the message from a senior UN official as the leaders of the ethnically divided island arrived for day two of talks in… 10/01/2017