It's after he returned from accepting Putin's denial of Russian meddling in the 2016 US elections
Not the home coming President Donald Trump was expecting after his summit in Helsinki with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
But the US leader has run into a torrent of criticism, both political and personal since he returned after accepting Putin's denial of Russian meddling in the 2016 US elections.
House Speaker Republican Paul Ryan bluntly contradicted his President. "We just conducted a year-long investigation into Russia's interference in our elections. They did interfere in our elections. It's really clear - there should be no doubt about that."
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California says, "Instead of standing up for our democracy and democratic principles President Trump cowered in the presence of Putin and the entire world watched and saw that. Trump's eagerness to sell out America proves the Russians must have something personally politically or financially on President Trump.
Well that was too much for Captain America, or actor Chris Evans to be exact who called Trump a moron and then Former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger entered the fray saying, "President Trump, I just saw your press conference with President Putin and it was embarrassing, I mean, you stood there like a little wet noodle."
Our White House Correspondent Hans Nichols says, "We'll see whether or not the next 24/48 hours, whether or not this half apology from President Donald Trump is going to be enough to quell not only his critics on the Democratic side but his internal critics, this Republicans that think the president really blunder in Helsinki. Was this statement enough? Hans Nichols, NBC News for Euronews at the Withe House.