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Elderly students in Bangkok

Video. Elderly students return to classrooms as Thailand seeks to embrace ageing population

Earlier this month, Choochart Supkerd, 63, graduated from a school for older people that opened its doors last year in Ayutthaya Province, north of Bangkok. It was, for him, one of the most important and memorable days of his life.

Earlier this month, Choochart Supkerd, 63, graduated from a school for older people that opened its doors last year in Ayutthaya Province, north of Bangkok. It was, for him, one of the most important and memorable days of his life.

The classrooms offered in the ancient capital of Ayutthaya is one of the very few projects designed to for older people to help combat loneliness and keep them physically mobile.

Once a week for 12 weeks students attend English language classes, and take part in physical exercises. For Choochart, the classes and uniforms, which they wear, remind him of the 'good old days'.

Thailand marks the annual National Elderly Day on Friday.


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