This hotel will produce more energy than it consumes.
Imagine a world where houses produce more energy than their own consumption. The idea is not completely new, but the Svart hotel is the first to produce more energy than it consumes.
Arctic Adventure of Norway and international design and architecture company **Snøhetta **joined forces to bring sustainable tourism to the Arctic.
The name Svart, meaning "black" in Norwegian, is a direct tribute to the deep blue ice of the Svartisen glacier, according to Snøhetta.
The building extends from the shoreline at the foot of the Almlifjellet mountain and into the clear waters of the Holandsfjorden fjord. The construction starts next year, and the hotel opens in 2021.
The design is inspired by the characteristics of local architecture and the energy-producing buildings. The architects examined how to best harvest the sun’s energy in this particular location, this approach brought about the hotel’s circular design.
“The hotel rooms, restaurants and terraces are strategically placed to exploit the sun’s energy throughout the day and seasons, " said the design company. Snøhetta is well-known for its adventurous projects, one of the latest ones is Europe's first underwater restaurant.