Now playing Next United Kingdom Euroviews. The enduring power of the hunger strike ǀ View In 2009, some friends came up with a campaigning idea so terrifying that we immediately put it on a shelf where it remained for a decade gathering dust. The idea was to use digital tools and social media to harness the power of the hunger strike on a massive scale. 26/11/2019
Now playing Next India Watch: Schoolchildren dress as Gandhi amid birthday celebrations October 2 marks Gandhi's birthday as well as International Day of Non-Violence, an ideal that Gandhi strove towards. 02/10/2018
Now playing Next No Comment Indian children dress as Gandhi to mark 150th anniversary of independence leader's birth Indian schoolchildren across the country dressed as Mahatma Gandhi on Monday (October 1) to mark the upcoming 150th birthday celebration of modern India's founding father and promoter of peace. 02/10/2018