Now playing Next France Bayonne attack: Two men charged with attempted murder of bus driver Public prosecutors say the driver was a victim "of extreme violence" when he asked to check the ticket of one of suspect and demanded that three others wear facemasks. 06/07/2020
Now playing Next USA Euroviews. People in many developed countries are getting dumber, and the U.S. is likely next ǀ View An intelligence crisis could undermine our problem-solving capacities and dim the prospects of the global economy. 22/05/2019
Now playing Next USA How to train your brain to save money, according to psychologists Yes, you can save that tax refund, bonus — or any windfall — instead of succumbing to the urge to rush out and spend it. 22/03/2019
Now playing Next USA 'Game of Thrones' star Emilia Clarke reveals she survived 2 brain aneurysms "Game of Thrones" star Emilia Clarke wrote an essay for The New Yorker detailing two brain aneurysms she had. 22/03/2019
Now playing Next Switzerland Smart phones could damage our memory side of the brain That's according to a study with 700 adolescents at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute who believe that memory is more vulnerable to waves when the phone is stuck to the right ear as that side is related to memory 23/07/2018