Structural Dynamics, Reasearcher
University of Twente, NL
Machines are always talking, but we don’t understand what they are saying. So, with vibration monitoring we are able to establish this language to communicate with the machines.
The idea is that in the future we will be not only able to predict or prevent failures on the machines, therefore we don’t have losses in the operations, we will have more safety and also we will be able to create also better machines, because we make sure that we were listening to them all the time: when they starts with symptoms of a damage that occurs, we will be able to know how to give predictive measures and to attend them better and to have more stable operations.
We can always improve our understanding, because we can first go closer to the source of vibrations, to the source of power, and to be more accurate in the diagnostic of the machines. When we go and analyze a further point, whe we hear is always too late.
If we have a sensor embedded on the machine we are able to know what is the source of the problem, rather that that have the response that happens to a later stage.
We are much more critical in understanding the sources, the forces, the distortion, and the actual state of the machine.