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Culture Re-View: Farewell, Boris Johnson on Tell The Truth Day

On this day, exactly one year ago, Boris Johnson announced his resignation (Picture: Cartoon of Boris Johnson on front page of French newspaper L’Opinion)
On this day, exactly one year ago, Boris Johnson announced his resignation (Picture: Cartoon of Boris Johnson on front page of French newspaper L’Opinion) Copyright L’Opinion - Twitter
Copyright L’Opinion - Twitter
By David Mouriquand
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7 July 2022: Farewell, Boris Johnson. And good riddance, especially on Tell The Truth Day


Congratulations on making it to the 188th day of the year.

And what a day it is, as a great many things happened on 7 July in pop culture history.

Harry Houdini successfully unchained himself underwater in a record 57 seconds in 1912. Well done there.

The Chillicothe Baking Company of Chillicothe, Missouri produced “the greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped” – sliced bread, in 1928.

There was the Roswell Incident of 1947, with the reported crash of an alien spaceship near Roswell, New Mexico. And anyone who has watched The X Files knows how pivotal this moment was.

The 10th James Bond movie, The Spy Who Loved Me premiered in London in 1977 – and who could forget that opening sequence with the Union Jack parachute?

But while we here at Euronews Culture love our renegade magicians, bread, UFOs and Martini swigging spies, something trumps them all.

On this day exactly one year ago was the resignation of Conservative British PM Boris Johnson, after numerous party members finally came to their senses and voiced their lack of confidence in him. And considering it’s Tell The Truth Day (seriously, we wouldn’t lie to you, today of all days), we couldn't pass on the opportunity to take a look back at that joyful day when one of the most justly maligned and scandal-plagued European leaders of the 21st century saw his ineptitude, semi-coherent Bullingdon bluster, ethics-dodging antics, empathy-siphoned rhetoric and policies, Patygate lies, as well as his more-than-tenuous general relationship with the truth, come back to bite him in the proverbial.

Granted, Johnson remained in office in a “caretaker” role until Liz Truss was appointed prime minister on 6 September 2022 (the less said about her, the better), but today’s the day to remember the most memorable comments and best jokes as Johnson stepped down.

Well, quite. 

Even the Downing Street cat couldn't take it anymore. 

The human equivalent of an unmade bed, ladies and gentlemen. 

"Them's the breaks." Poetry. Pure lunatic poetry. 

So long, farewell...

It's still painful to watch though. 


(Remember when everyone thought she was in incompetent one? Makes you think...)


The horrifying fall of the House Atreides at the hands of the putrid Harkonnens was less distressing that this waxwork. 

Any 'Dune' fans in the house? No? Nevermind. 


This one has not aged well... 

There we have it.

It’s also worth noting that 7 July is also Global Forgiveness Day. 

We’ll give it our best shot, but right now, we have not forgotten and we certainly have not forgiven the mess this catastrophic prime minister has left Britain in. And even if he has been recently banished to the backbenches and grilled by some of his Tory foes at the Liaison Committee, we have the sinking feeling that we haven’t heard the last of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson.

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