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Led By Donkeys 'billboard crusaders' launch campaign in London during Trump visit

Led By Donkeys 'billboard crusaders' launch campaign in London during Trump visit
By Emma Beswick
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"He's also a vain and brittle man who's here because he's dazzled by monarchy and thinks Britain likes him."


Recently unmasked anti-Brexit protest group "Led By Donkeys" has not taken lightly to US President Donald Trump visiting their city.

London-based James Sadri, Oliver Knowles, Will Rose and Ben Stewart have carried out a none-too-subtle campaign during Trump's trip, which saw them project images and videos onto landmarks, as well as pasting giant printouts of tweets onto billboards.

"We just wanted Trump to know how unpopular he is here, and for our American cousins to know we stand with them against this silly man," Stewart told Euronews.

As he touched down in the UK, they projected approval ratings from a YouGov survey showing Obama at 72% and Trump at 21% onto the Tower of London, writing in a Twitter post: "Just so you know, you’re wildly unpopular here in Britain. SAD! People REALLY don’t like you (though they love @BarackObama)."

"Brexit and Trump are two sides of the same coin," Stewart said. "The US President is a Brexit campaigner, using his megaphone to agitate for a damaging no-deal Brexit.

"He's also a vain and brittle man who's here because he's dazzled by monarchy and thinks Britain likes him. We just wanted to point at the self-styled Mr Brexit and say: 'The Emperor has no clothes'."

The group also put billboards up across London showing tweets from Trump's critics, among other stunts.

Trump wasn't the only one the Led By Donkeys team took aim at, with British politicians Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage coming under their line of fire.

"We're an anti-Brexit group and these two did as much as anybody to get us into this mess," Stewart said.

"These two pose a real threat to decent British values, so we thought we'd take the p*** out of them too."

The group initially withheld their identities, but they recently decided to go public, with a picture of the foursome appearing in The Guardian newspaper.

READ MORE: Brexit billboard crusaders: Four 'working dads' are holding politicians to account

"We wanted to live our values," Stewart explained. "Transparency in politics is important. This thing has got waaaaay bigger than we thought it would, we've raised a lot of money, so we decided to be clear about who we are."

Indeed, the amateur operation set up a crowdfunding appeal to finance their initial campaign in which they pasted tweets and quotes on billboards across the UK, holding politicians to account for what they have said about Brexit.

A target of £10,000 (€11,281) was achieved within three hours of going live, so they increased it to £50,000 (€56,406), which they reached by the next morning.

Last week, they hit nearly £500,000 (€564,069), with over 14,000 people donating — some giving as much as £1,000 (€1,128).

While the Led By Donkeys team wouldn't tell us if they had anything planned for during the Conservative Party leadership race, given their recent activity, it's unlikely these four working dads will stay quiet for long.

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