That's according to a new international study. Scientists say since 1992, three-trillion tons of ice has melted
Antarctica is now melting three times faster than ever before.
That's according to a new international study.
Scientists say since 1992, three-trillion tons of ice has melted.
Overall, world sea levels have risen about 20 cm in the past century.
If the right decisions are not made to preserve Antarctica in the next ten years, the consequences will be felt around the world.
Professor Siegert is a co-author of the new study in the journal Nature at the imperial College London.
Professor Martin Siegert, Co-Director of the Grantham Institute, Imperial College London says: "Antarctica has in it enough ice that if it all melted, sea levels will rise globally by over 60 metres. And what we're starting to see are the first signs of some of that ice starting to melt. And so it's completely possible for Antarctica to contribute several tens of centimetres in this century."
Coastal flooding during storms at high tides will be more damaging and a threat to cities, from New York to Shanghai as well as low-lying nations from the Pacific Ocean to the Netherlands.
Some changes are already irreversible, but by reducing CO2 emissions, this will help towards preventing the situation worsening.