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[Watch]: Australian Senator breastfeeds while moving motion in parliament

[Watch]: Australian Senator breastfeeds while moving motion in parliament
By Marios Ioannou
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The Greens senator made headlines in May this year as the first woman to breastfeed within Federal Parliament


Australian senator Larissa Waters won’t let anything get between her and her baby.

On Thursday she moved a motion within the Federal Parliament while breastfeeding.

Waters rose to put forward a motion on Black Lung disease, all the while holding and feeding her 14-week old baby Alia Joy, local media reported.

The Greens senator made headlines in May this year as the first woman to breastfeed within Federal Parliament, after a ban was lifted last year allowing it to occur within the chamber.

Greens Senator Larissa Waters putting forward a motion on Black Lung while breastfeeding in the Senate

— Lukas Coch (@cochl) 22 Ιουνίου 2017

I think this is what ppl mean when they talk abt a flexible boss. RichardDiNatale</a> with <a href="">larissawaters new staffer. ellinghausen</a> pic. <a href=""></a></p>— Stephanie Peatling (srpeatling) 22 Ιουνίου 2017

Greens colleague Sarah Hanson-Young made headlines in 2009 when her two-year-old daughter Kora was taken from her arms and ejected from the Senate chamber.

In 2015, Kelly O’Dwyer, a Liberal MP and cabinet minister, was told by the government whip to express more milk to ensure she did not miss votes in Parliament.
But the Parliament last year changed its rules to allow mothers to breastfeed in the chamber.

Previously, mothers had to leave the chamber to breastfeed and were required to seek a proxy for any votes.


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