Planes have completed an aerial spraying for mosquitoes carrying Zika in Miami, despite protests over the insecticide’s possible harmful effects.
Planes have completed an aerial spraying for mosquitoes carrying Zika in Miami, despite protests over the insecticide’s possible harmful effects.
The spraying was delayed for 24 hours after local protests.
Experts say there is no reason for concern over the effects on human health or the environment.
The issue has divided the local community.
“I’m in favour of the aerial spraying. I think it’s a wonderful thing our government and the city officials are taking in action. It’s my understanding that the chemicals that are being used are in small concentrations and are not harmful to humans,” local resident:
David Kaplan told reporters.
“We are concerned that the naled actually has more of a potential risk of creating the problems we are trying to avert than the actual concern with Zika,” explained protester Brik Viera.
Florida has seen 56 local transmissions of the zika virus which can cause neurological abnormalities in unborn babies.