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And also... Homeless Budapest, Tel Aviv dogs, mouldy musician, pizzas by drone

And also... Homeless Budapest, Tel Aviv dogs, mouldy musician, pizzas by drone
By Euronews
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Every Friday journalists from euronews’ various language teams choose a selection of stories from Europe and beyond which did not reach the international…


Every Friday journalists from euronews’ various language teams choose a selection of stories from Europe and beyond which did not reach the international headlines.

Budapest through the eyes of homeless people

A Hungarian NGO Budapest Bike Maffia, in cooperation with English social enterprise Cafe Art, bought 100 disposable cameras and asked homeless people to take photos, to show how they see the Hungarian capital.

It follows similar projects in London, Sao Paolo and Manchester.

A professional jury chose the 50 best photos out of more than 2,000 pictures taken. The collection can be seen at an exhibition in Budapest from August 30 – September 11. Visitors can vote for their favourites, and the 13 most popular ones will be printed on a calendar for 2017.

The winning artist will get money, and the people who participated in the project will be supported from the income of the calendars.

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iPhoto: Homeless #iphoneogra#blackandwhite

— Adam Knesl (@AdamKnesl) 25 Αυγούστου 2016

Tel Aviv is going to the dogs

Tel Aviv has been celebrating its love for dogs. There are 25,000 dogs in the Israeli city and many of their owners have been celebrating at the Claviv Festival of Dogs.

Dog lovers have had a wide range of workshops about canine caring, ownership, training and various other information sessions.

A doggie grooming station and spa meant the pets didn’t feel left out.

Dog Day – Tel Aviv:

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Musician dies from mould inside his bagpipes

Mould growing inside a man’s bagpipes has been blamed for his death. Musicians are being encouraged to keep their instruments clean to prevent the
build up of dangerous toxins.

If mould is allowed to accumulate, it increases the risk of musicians inhaling toxic particles which can progress to dangerous lung conditions. Wind instrument players are particularly at risk of developing the inflammatory lung disease hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP).

More details: Thorax

Musicians Urged To Clean Instruments After Bagpiper Dies via NewsweekEurope</a> <a href="">#musician</a></p>&mdash; Brit Lung Foundation (lunguk) 24 Αυγούστου 2016

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Edinburgh: Nils Olav, the most famous king penguin in the world, parades his way to a new honour

His Majesty the King of Norway’s guard paid a very special visit to Edinburgh Zoo to bestow a unique honour upon one resident, king penguin Sir Nils Olav. Already a knight, the most famous king penguin in the world was given the new title of “Brigadier Sir Nils Olav”.

The prestigious title was awarded during a special ceremony which was attended by over 50 uniformed soldiers of His Majesty the King of Norway’s Guard, who are taking part in The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo this year. Sir Nils paraded his way up Penguin Walk, whilst inspecting the soldiers of the Guard.

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Pizza by drone takes off in New Zealand

A New Zealand pizza chain aims to become the world’s first company to offer a commercial drone delivery service.


Some of the world’s biggest companies including Amazon and Google, or Alphabet Inc as it is known, have plans to make deliveries by drone and aviation authorities in the United States, Britain, Australia and New Zealand have been relaxing rules to allow air deliveries.

Last month, US convenience store chain 7-Eleven conducted the first single commercial drone delivery – coffee, donuts and a chicken sandwich – as part of a trial.

Domino’s Pizza conducted a demonstration delivery by drone in the New Zealand city of Auckland on Thursday (August 25). Domino’s wants to be the first company to launch a regular drone service, late this year.

“We’ve always said that it doesn’t make sense to have a two-tonne machine delivering a two-kilogram order,” Domino’s boss Don Meij said in a statement.


With clear skies and small population of 4.4 million, New Zealand last year became one of the world’s first countries to clear commercial drone deliveries.


Flirtey and Domino's have just announced a new partnership and conducted the first successful pizza drone delivery!

— Flirtey (@Fly_Flirtey) 24 Αυγούστου 2016

Venezuela: Nicolás Maduro announces TV series and film biography for Hugo Chavez

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced that a government team will produce a TV series and biography film about late Venezuelan former President Hugo Chavez.

‘‘We decided to make the film and series about Hugo Chavez in Venezuela ourselves to respect the original spirit. No multinational will be able to discredit our Hugo Chavez, “said Nicolas Maduro to state television.


In early May, Sony Pictures confirmed on Twitter the start of filming a TV series called “Hugo Chavez, The Commander.” It released a promotional poster containing the phrase “the power of passion and passion of power.”

The former Venezuelan leader (1999-2013) will be played by the Colombian actor Andrés Parra.

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#LoDijoNicolasMaduro</a>: Chávez siempre tuvo una visión de futuro, un gran estratega, que nos orientó en cada batalla <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Corazón de la Patria (CorazonDelPSUV) 25 Αυγούστου 2016

Sony Pictures prepara serie de 60 capitulos sobre la vida de Hugo Chávez

— Visión Global (@VisionGlobal3) 15 Ιουλίου 2016

Maduro agradeció a Sánchez Otero por la biografía al Comandante

— Ciudad CCS (@CiudadCCS) 25 Αυγούστου 2016

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