The vote on whether or not Britain is to remain in Europe is dividing the nation.
The vote on whether or not Britain is to remain in Europe is dividing the nation.
Polls suggest the result will be too close to call:
Barry Gardiner is Labour MP for Brent North & Shadow Minister for Energy & Climate Change, he spoke to euronews about the latest polls and says the huge number of ‘don’t knows’ hold the key: “I think the most interesting thing about the recent polls is that we have about 20-25% of people who just haven’t made up their mind. Yeah, those who know one way or the other, it’s close. But the vast deciding factor here are going to be the ‘don’t knows’, they are going to be the people who really on the day of the poll itself go into the polling station and don’t know which box they are going to put their cross into.”
My birthday hedgehog cake…
olivercolvile</a> eat your heart out! <a href=""></a></p>— Barry Gardiner (
BarryGardiner) March 10, 2016
Those that want to remain in the EU see Britain as a stronger, stable and more influential entity in rather than out, Barry Gardiner agrees: “If you want to insure that companies don’t abuse your tax laws, whether you are talking about companies like Amazon and Google… you need to be able to do that, not at a national level, but actually saying: ‘if you want to trade within the EU as a block you have to observe these tax rules.’ So we have much more power against international global companies, who would really arbitrage where they did their business and where they paid their taxes. If we were to be an isolated nation on our own, we are far stronger if we are together. And I think people when it comes to that final vote will vote for the security that the EU provides.”
Those that want out believe the price Britain pays to be a member of a failing club is too high.
They also want to reclaim, what they see as, lost sovereignty. > For someone who doesn't want to imitate Osborne, Boris has been doing a rather large U Turn of his own this week
— Barry Gardiner (@BarryGardiner) March 24, 2016
The Labour MP believes that if Britain votes to leave the country will experience years of uncertainty:
“There are people, principled people, I may disagree with them, but they will be voting to leave the EU. That’s not something that anybody can then say ‘well you didn’t really mean to do that’. We have to respect the electorate, the electorate will vote on a once in a lifetime decision. Disentangling from the EU would take a chaotic period of probably up to five to ten years. People are not going to do that likely and anybody who thinks that we can simply use the fact that we have had a vote to leave as a bargaining chip to stay is in cloud cuckoo land.”