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And also...selfies kill more people than sharks, woman's revenge on 'cheating husband' and famous paintings on…cakes!

And also...selfies kill more people than sharks, woman's revenge on 'cheating husband' and famous paintings on…cakes!
By Euronews
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Every Friday journalists from euronews’ various language teams choose a selection of stories from around Europe and beyond which did not reach the


Every Friday journalists from euronews’ various language teams choose a selection of stories from around Europe and beyond which did not reach the international headlines.

Italy: Miss sorry she missed WWII

Miss Italy candidate Alice Sabatini made a sensation telling the contest jury that she would like to have been alive in 1942… so she could have experienced World War ll, when asked which historical period she would have like to live in. “Anyway, I am a women so I wouldn’t have been a soldier, I would have been afraid and stayed [at] home,” she added.

Spain: Uma Thurman like a Virgin in Sevilla

American film star Uma Thurman surprised Seville when she showed up at a bar disguised as “La Virgen de la Dolorosa”, a very popular representation of the Virgin Mary.

The dress was really well detailed, but Sevillians are very attached to this sculpture and its symbology.

“It’s a complete lack of respect,” said a representative of the city’s religious associations.

No film, no promotions; apparently the “Kill Bill” star just wanted to make a joke.

En Sevilla aparece Uma Thurman en un bar y le cambiamos la ropa para que se nos aparezca la Virgen

— Juanjo Muñoz (@juanjomunoz) September 19, 2015

Cyprus: Famous paintings on…cakes!

Cypriot artist Maria Aristidou has made a name for herself creating art from food. As you can see on her Facebook page , she initially began using coffee and cotton as her medium, creating lush works from the simple combination. However, the artist has now moved on to an even more appetizing canvas – cake.

Working with a local bakery, Maria has recreated some of the
world’s most famous paintings on the cakes they produce. Each cake takes the artist between 6-10 hours, not including the time it takes to actually bake the cake. But the results are well worth the time she spends, as they are remarkably close recreations.

Turkey: chefs serve 4,000 year-old dishes

An archaeological team excavating the ancient site of Alacahöyük, one of the most significant centres of the ancient Hittite civilization, cooked pastries belonging to Hittite cuisine that dates back 4,000 years. The foods found on Hittite tablets were cooked without modern technology or equipment

The 4,000-year-old Hittite cuisine was cooked in Alacahöyük, an important Neolithic settlement and Turkey’s first nationally excavated area. Aykut Çınaroğlu, the head of the excavations and professor of archeology at Ankara University, told Anadolu Agency (AA) that Chef Ömür Akkor, an excavation team member, prepared a special Hittite menu in light of the available archaeological findings.

Ömür Akkor 4 bin yıllık Hitit yemekleri pişirdi – Hürriyet Gurme</a> aracılığıyla</p>&mdash; ☾☆ T.C. (boyakalemi) September 14, 2015

France: thief returns car to its owner … with a €20 bonus!

Where’s my car? A baker from La Rochelle, who had just delivered his “croissants” and “pains au chocolat” to a hotel, was shocked to find that his vehicle had been stolen. In a hurry, the unfortunate man had left the keys in the ignition and the engine running. After filing a complaint to the police, the baker managed to complete his round. But a surprise awaited him the next morning. His car was outside his home! Astonished, he discovered a note and a 20 euro note. The author of these words was the thief who “apologized for his actions and left money to pay for petrol.”

La Rochelle: le voleur lui rend sa voiture avec un mot d'excuses et 20 euros “pour l'essence”

— Sud Ouest (@sudouest) 23 Septembre 2015

But that’s not all. The baker, who withdrew his complaint to the police, was also surprised to find a message on his voicemail from the thief, who apologised again and explained that he had to go home quickly.

France: animal rights activist steals homeless’ man’s dog

A man and woman are seen violently grabbing a two-month-old puppy from the homeless man, who desperately tries to clutch on to his beloved pet.

The rough sleeper falls to the ground as the two activists scramble for the distressed dog.

The dog is heard whining as the female activist holds the owner back screaming: “You have no right. It’s against the law.”


The pair belong to a self-styled animal rights group with links to the far-right Front Nationale. Groups like this at this time of year stage protests at the slaughtering of sheep for the Muslim Eid festival.

A macaque might get copyright for its selfie…

A rare crested macaque monkey who snapped a well-known, grinning “selfie” should be declared the photo’s owner and receive damages for copyright infringement after it was used in a wildlife book, animal rights activists argued in a federal lawsuit filed on Tuesday.

Naruto, a six-year-old macaque who lives free in the Tangkoko Reserve on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, took the image and several others about four years ago using a camera left unattended by British photographer David Slater, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) said in the suit.

Lawsuit could see first-ever property ownership for a non-human primate.

— PETA UK (@PETAUK) 23 Septembre 2015

Syrian war spurs first withdrawal from doomsday Arctic seed vault

Syria’s civil war has prompted the first withdrawal of seeds from a “doomsday” vault built in an Arctic mountainside to safeguard global food supplies, officials said on Monday.


The seeds, including samples of wheat, barley and grasses suited to dry regions, have been requested by researchers elsewhere in the Middle East to replace seeds in a gene bank near the Syrian city of Aleppo that has been damaged by the war.

“Protecting the world’s biodiversity in this manner is precisely the purpose of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault,” said Brian Lainoff, a spokesman for the Crop Trust, which runs the underground storage centre on a Norwegian island 1,300 km from the North Pole.

The vault, which opened on the Svalbard archipelago in 2008, is designed to protect crop seeds – such as beans, rice and wheat – against the worst cataclysms of nuclear war or disease.

It has more than 860,000 samples, from almost all nations. Even if the power were to fail, the vault would stay frozen and sealed for at least 200 years.


Worldwide: Selfies kill more people than sharks

There have been a few tragic news stories about selfie deaths in the past year or so, but until now it hasn’t been so clear exactly how rife the selfie death phenomenon really is.
You may be more afraid of sharks than selfies, but actually statistically the latter is more deadly.

Justin Bieber seems fine.

Kendall, Justin, Martin Garrix -> perfect selfie

— manon |He tweeted me (@ibieberauhlls) September 25, 2015

UK woman takes revenge on ‘cheating husband’

A woman from the UK city of Sheffield has taken revenge on her “cheating husband” – by advertising his apparent infidelity on a huge roadside sign.

The wife, known only as Lisa, left the giant message overnight for husband Paul to see on his drive to work. But thousands of other motorists also saw it as it appeared alongside a major commuter route into the South Yorkshire city.





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