Strikers at rush hour in Greece. That was how many decided to hold their own vote on the austerity measures before parliament. The metro shut down at
Strikers at rush hour in Greece. That was how many decided to hold their own vote on the austerity measures before parliament. The metro shut down at peak time and suburban trains will not run for 24 hours.
Some public service workers have walked out while pharmacists are also on strike angered at plans to de-regulate their profession.
“Unfortunately it is no longer in our hands anymore – that is it’s no longer in the people’s hands. Through necessity we, or they will pass the reforms in parliament and we will bear the burden,” said one woman while another added:
“We will wait. Just one person can not fix a country in five months which has been destroyed for years. We had defaults again and again, this didn’t just happen yesterday.”
Wednesday brought the now familiar scenes with queues outside cash machines across the country while the banks remain closed. Later on Wednesday it’s expected pensioners will stage a protest while public workers are set to hold a separate demonstration.