Levengi fish by Chef Elmin

Levengi fish by Chef Elmin
By Euronews
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-1 large round white fish, preferably kutum, scaled and cleaned (keep the head on)

For the levengi stuffing:
-3 large onions, finely grated or ground
-100-200 grams of walnuts, ground – 1 tablespoon alcha paste, or 5-6 large dried sour plums, pitted and chopped
-1 teaspoon salt – ¼ teaspoon ground pepper – Cooking time: 40-45 minutes at 180C/350F

1. Thoroughly wash the fish both inside and out. Pat dry. Rub with a little alcha paste and salt and pepper.
2. Grate the onions finely or mince in a nut grinder or mincer. Grind the shelled walnuts.
3. Mix the grated onions, ground walnuts, remaining alcha paste, salt and pepper.
4. Spoon the mixture into the fish’s cavity.
5. Sew up the two sides of the cavity with a thick needle and thread or skewer the pieces of fish skin together with cocktail sticks.
6. Place on a baking tray and cook for 40 to 45 minutes in an oven preheated to 180°C/350°F.
7. Place the whole fish on a serving plate, remove the thread or cocktail sticks and garnish with fresh herbs and slices of onion.

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