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A participant has colors painted on face as LGBTQ+ people and their supporters rally during the annual pride parade.

Video. Nepal's pride parade is a celebration of diversity

Held during the Gai Jatra festival, the event saw participation from government officials and diplomats. Nepal has made significant strides in LGBTQ+ rights since a 2007 court decision, people who do not identify as female or male are now able to choose “third gender” on their passports and other government documents, and constitutional protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Held during the Gai Jatra festival, the event saw participation from government officials and diplomats. Nepal has made significant strides in LGBTQ+ rights since a 2007 court decision, people who do not identify as female or male are now able to choose “third gender” on their passports and other government documents, and constitutional protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation.