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Baby pigs roam at Japan's latest animal-themed cafe

Video. Baby pigs roam at Japan's latest animal-themed cafe

Mipig Cafe, in Tokyo's trendy central Meguro neighbourhood, is the newest addition to Japan's ever-growing list of animal-themed cafes that includes cats, owls and hedgehogs.

Mipig Cafe, in Tokyo's trendy central Meguro neighbourhood, is the newest addition to Japan's ever-growing list of animal-themed cafes that includes cats, owls and hedgehogs.

Opened in March this year, the cafe lets visitors spend 30 minutes getting acquainted with its oinking occupants for about $8 (€7.15), plus the cost of a drink.

Visitors can pet and play with the tiny trotters on three different floors, while sipping a tea or coffee.

The cafe is a new expansion for Mipig, whose main business lies in Japan's Yamanashi prefecture, where they run a micro pig farm.

The ting piglets are imported from the United Kingdom and bred as pets for Japanese families.

While a trip to the cafe might be in your budget, micro pigs themselves can cost around $3,000 (€2,684).

Shiho Kitagawa from Mipig says demand for micro pigs is increasing, their waiting list has over 100 names.


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