Now playing Next Ukraine Authorities release full results for 'sham' Ukraine annexation polls Moscow could officially annex the regions - around 15 per cent of Ukraine - within days. 27/09/2022
Now playing Next Scenes Meet the surfers who are making waves in the Gaza Strip In partnership with Media City "We stay at the sea because it is where we can experience a taste of freedom and happiness." 01/08/2022
Now playing Next World News Meet the young Jewish voices pushing for peace from across Europe #NotInOurNames group is against evictions in Sheikh Jarrah, and the Israeli government claiming to speak for all Jews, in Israel and the diaspora. 18/05/2021
Now playing Next Ukraine Russia completes wall on Crimea-Ukraine border Security barrier equipped with sensors to prevent "penetration by Ukrainian saboteurs". 28/12/2018
Now playing Next Greece Greece's student heroes remembered The 1973 student uprising in Athens that was crushed with tanks and heavy loss of life was not the end of Greece's military dictatorship, but it marked the beginning of the end. 17/11/2018
Now playing Next Israel West Bank teen, Ahed Tamimi, gets eight months in prison West Bank teen, Ahed Tamimi, gets eight months in prison for slapping and kicking Israeli soldiers after a plea deal that helped her avoid more serious charges. 22/03/2018