Euronews asks lawmakers if they think the latest ruling from the US Supreme Court could have spill-over effects in Europe.
The European Parliament has passed a non-binding resolution calling for the right to "safe and legal" abortion to be added to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, a change that would require the revision of the EU treaties.
The plea comes on the heels of a ruling by the US Supreme Court that overturned the landmark Roe v Wade ruling and ended the constitutional right to abortion.
Even if the judgment doesn't directly affect European women, lawmakers in Strasbourg have raised the alarm about its potential spill-over effects and detrimental impact on women's rights around the world.
But not every MEP feels the same way. Some have in fact celebrated the Supreme Court's decision, arguing it paves the way for the defence of the right to life.
So what do European lawmakers have to say about this? And what country is the likeliest to follow in America's footsteps?
Euronews spoke with MEPs to year their thoughts about abortion.
Watch the video above to discover their answers.