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Brexit shouting match sparks in European Parliament

Brexit shouting match sparks in European Parliament
By Stefan Grobe
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The EU demands more clarity on what London really wants ahead of next week's crucial Brussels summit.


"On March 29th at midnight, the United Kingdom will leave the European Union. Then the time will come you will regret the decision."

Words from EU Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker at the European Parliament.

Lawmakers debated the state of play of the Brexit negotiations ahead of next week's crucial EU summit, but the discussion at times turned into a shouting match between British right-wingers and MEPs from the continent.

The EU is demanding more clarity from the British prime minister on what London really wants, reminding them the clock is ticking.

Leaving the customs union and single market, whilst respecting the Good Friday Agreement is the same as trying to square the circle, according to Belgian MEP Philippe Lamberts:

"This has nothing to do with the alleged stubbornness of the EU27, it has everything to do with the stubbornness of facts."

Leading the Brexit brigade, UKIP MEP Nigel Farage urged the British Prime Minister to take a leaf out of the U.S. president's book:

"Please Mrs May, at this summit next week do what Trump has done, stand strong against the European Commission, against these unelected bullies and bearing in mind the Italian elections, and weren't they wonderful folks? It's pretty obvious the game is up anyway, so she'll be doing not just the British people a favour, but the whole of Europe, too."

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