, Kyiv has its eyes set on the strategic Kinburn peninsula. It’s a piece of land that juts out from the in the Black Sea. Crucially it is connected to territory on the south side of the Dneiper river.
After its stunning success in retaking Kherson, Ukraine is now faced with a strategic problem. Russian forces are using the large Dnieper river as a defensive barrier, to protect their positions in the south of Ukraine.
For this reason, Kyiv has its eyes set on the strategic Kinburn peninsula. It’s a piece of land that juts out from the in the Black Sea. Crucially it is connected to territory on the south side of the Dneiper river.
If Ukraine takes the territory, it is possible that they could outflank Russian forces, negating the need for a potentially tricky crossing of the river, with many Russian soldiers dug in nearby.
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