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What Trump’s decision on Jerusalem means for those living in the city | NBC Left Field

What Trump’s decision on Jerusalem means for those living in the city | NBC Left Field
By NBC Left Field
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US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital in December deepened divides between Israelis and the Palestinian people. NBC Left Field went there to find out what people thought of the move.


US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital in December caused uproar internationally.

The governing Palestinian National Authority has long viewed East Jerusalem, the State of Palestine’s designated capital, as occupied territory, and felt Washington’s move made them an untenable peace negotiator in the decades-long Israel-Palestine conflict.

Clashes between the two began in the 1967 Six-Day War, when Israel captured the West Bank and Gaza Strip and annexed East Jerusalem in a move that was condemned around the world. Israel regards all of the city as its eternal capital.

With Palestinian photojournalist Faiz Abu Rmeleh, NBC Left Field’s Ed Ou went there to talk to Israelis and Palestinians about the situation on the ground.

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