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It wasn't me. List of senior officials who deny writing the NY Times op-ed.

Image: President Trump discusses immigration bill with members of Congress
President Donald J. Trump listens to Republican Senator from North Dakota John Hoeven, left, speak about the immigration issue in the Cabinet Room of the White House Washington, on June 20, 2018. Copyright Jim Lo Scalzo EPA
Copyright Jim Lo Scalzo EPA
By NBC News with NBC News Politics
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A number of senior officials in President Donald Trump's administration denied on Thursday that they were behind the explosive anonymous opinion article published in The New York Times.


A number of Cabinet and Cabinet-level officials in President Donald Trump's administration rushed to deny on Thursday that they were behind the explosive anonymous opinion article published in The New York Times a day earlier.

The author's identity remains unknown, but here are all the Trump administration officials who have gone on the record to deny it was them:

Vice President Mike Pence:

His office told NBC News that "definitively denies" that he was the author. His communications director also tweeted that "The Vice President puts his name on his Op-Eds."

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo:

He told reporters, "It's not mine" and said The Times should not "have chosen to take a disgruntled deceptive bad actor's word for anything and put it in their newspaper."

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats:

"Speculation that The New York Times op-ed was written by me or my Principal Deputy is patently false. We did not," he said in a statement.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen:

"Secretary Nielsen is focused on leading the men and women of DHS and protecting the homeland - not writing anonymous and false opinion pieces for the New York Times," the agency's press secretary, Tyler Q. Houlton, said in a statement.

Defense Secretary James Mattis:

"It was not his op-ed," chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana White said.

Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney:

"No, Dir. Mulvaney is not the author," a spokesperson for Mulvaney told NBC News.

Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson:

"The Secretary didn't write the op-ed," a spokesperson for Carson told NBC News.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin

"It is laughable to think this could come from the Secretary," Tony Sayegh Jr., a spokesman for Mnuchin, tweeted.

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