French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said 1,918 people had been processed and sent to 80 centres around France by Monday evening.
Twenty-eight migrants who were living in a makeshift shelter in the Jungle camp in Calais arrive at a reception centre 760 kilometres away in Lyon.
The 27 Sudanese and one Afghan national were welcomed by the head of the region.
“This resolves the situation in a very humane way, in accordance with the traditions and values of the republic which has always welcomed, over time, those who flee their country, who flee their continent because of war and conflicts,” Michel Delpuech told reporters.
The French authorities began a mass evacuation of the camp on Monday.
Thousands had been living there in squalid conditions, hoping to make it across the Channel to the UK.
A local association is providing accommodation.
The final number is expected to be 751.
French Interior Minsiter Bernard Cazeneuve said 1,918 people had been processed and sent to 80 centres around France by Monday evening.
In tweets
Arrivée à Lyon premier bus en provenance #calais accueil par M Delpuech
— Préfet Rhône (@prefetrhone) October 24, 2016
#JTTLM#migrants Premières réactions après l'arrivée des migrants de Calais dans la région
— Télé Lyon Métropole (@TLMLyon) October 25, 2016
Lyon a accueilli ses premiers migrants de Calais (
LyonMag</a>) <a href="">#société</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Actualité à Lyon (
pictanews) October 24, 2016