With the US election two weeks away residents in Texas and Kansas have joined those in Florida in voting early for the next president.
With the US election two weeks away residents in Texas and Kansas have joined those in Florida in voting early for the next president.
Locals made their way to polling stations
knowing this is one of the tightest and most vitriolic elections in years.
Current polls put Democrat Hillary Clinton ahead of her Republican rival Donald Trump and analysts say she would have a better than 95 percent chance of winning, if the election was held this week.
Recent data from the Pew Research Center indicates that early voting totals this election may well swell beyond 50 million, the most ever. That would be a significant proportion of the overall voter turnout, which is estimated at 130 million ballots.
In fact early voting has now begun across the US.
#Breaking tonight: 15 days until America elects its next president & early voting is now underway in 32 states and D.C. #KellyFilepic.twitter.com/VyJfY3oAB0
— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) October 25, 2016