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Farage shoulders "Mr. Brexit" after US debate

Farage shoulders "Mr. Brexit" after US debate
By Euronews
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Nigel Farage, speaks to reporters in support of Republican Donald Trump after second presidential debate


Nigel Farage, the former leader of the UK Independence Party, who openly supports Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, came to his defence in St. Louis, throwing his full weight behind the contentious property tycoon.

Farage is one of few political leaders still in office who actively praised Trump’s performance, and campaign after the second presidential debate, at a time when other US Republican politicians had distanced themselves from Trump.

Trump faced a difficult 48-hours before the debate in which he was forced to apologise for appearing to boast about groping and wooing married women.

Top US Republicans including Arizona Sen. John McCain and former Secretary of State Condolezza Rice, have withdrawn their support for Donald Trump.

Following the debate, however, Farage was joined by Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions and Missouri Representative Jason Smith, who took questions from reporters in the “spin room”.

Farage has not officially endorsed Trump for president.

Compliments: “Trump was a Silverback Gorilla”

Speaking to reporters Farage lauded Trump’s often scrutinised composure and demeanour during the debate, telling Sky News he “dominated” the studio, the moderators and rival Hillary Clinton.

“He was like a Silverback Gorilla” Nigel_Farage</a> says Donald Trump "dominated" Hillary Clinton in the second <a href="">#debate</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Sky News (SkyNews) October 10, 2016

Comparing Trump to a Silverback Gorilla “prowling the studio” Farage suggested Trump was able to bring momentum back into his campaign and scored points when he sparred with Clinton on policy issues including “terrorism, security and business”.

Mr. Brexit

This was not the first time Farage has spoken in favour of the Republican candidate. He appeared at a Mississippi Trump campaign rally in August one week after Trump had branded himself “Mr. Brexit” an attempt to brand himself, much in the way UKIP has in the UK, as a political outsider calling for change in the halls of government.

It was a move that Farage attempted to further cement, drawing parallels between the Trump campaign and that of UKIP’s lead-up to the June Brexit referendum.

Farage on Sunday revisited that narrative tying Hillary Clinton to the European Union. Farage said her vision is in line with “a one-world government of which America would be a part” engendering loss of US sovereignty particularly within the US Supreme Court, which could potentially anger US voters.

'HillaryClinton</a> views failed EU virtually as prototype to world government. She represents establishment status quo. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Nigel Farage (Nigel_Farage) October 9, 2016

Speaking to the BBC Farage attempted to drive home this point, that Trump’s candidacy represents a change from business as usual in politics.

US election is about continuity vs. change. Brexit shows that the people can beat the establishment.

— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) October 9, 2016

Clinton “never really got going”


Though Farage told Fox News he thought the second presidential debate was a draw, he was quick to suggest Trump’s posturing and aggressive attacks dented Clinton’s performance.

He suggested Trump suffered from political debating inexperience when he first faced off with Clinton.

“I’ve been there myself”, Farage said. “I remember my first big debate, how nervous I felt, how out of my depth I felt. What you saw tonight was a guy who has done a lot of reality TV over the years, he was comfortable with the cameras, he knew his subject, and was even funny.”

'realDonaldTrump</a> dominated this evening&#39;s <a href="">#Debate</a>. Don&#39;t think <a href="">HillaryClinton ever really got going.

— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) October 10, 2016

”Alpha Male”


Trump was forced to apologise for comments recorded in 2005 in which he boasted about groping women.

Trump attempted to downplay the ensuring scandal in the debate as “locker room” talk. It was a message Farage too promoted in speaking with Sky News.

Nigel Farage says Donald Trump's derogatory comments about women amount to “alpha male boasting”

— Sky News (@SkyNews) October 9, 2016

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