Olympic heroes lead the way in school
Is taking part in school sport just a matter of keeping fit, or are there more unexpected benefits? And what of those pupils who want to make a career out of sport do they also need a good education?
Olympic champions Carl Lewis and Ian Thorpe conquered the world in their chosen sports, swimming and athletics.
The two sporting heroes advocate sport on the school curriculum and recall their days in the classroom.
Beating the bullies through sport
Sports lessons can tackle the problems of bullying and bad behaviour in school helping young people channel aggression and anger into healthy competition. A project in the USA is leading the way and shows why which shows why playing games matters in school matters.
Sowing the seeds of excellence in Senegal
Basketball is the key for a better future. That’s the belief behind the Seeds Academy, based 70km from Dakar, the capital of Senegal. It is where teenagers come to practice their favourite sport, and prepare for what might be their future career. Sacrifice, rigour and discipline are the key values at this academy.
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