Skateboards, yo-yos and skipping ropes are highlighs at Chimera Games

Video. Skateboards, yo-yos and skipping ropes are highlighs at Chimera Games

Tokyo's Chimera Games, now in their 7th year, are known for their fun contests of alternative sports, dance, and music.

Tokyo's Chimera Games, now in their 7th year, are known for their fun contests of alternative sports, dance, and music.

In the world yo-yo contest, Shu Takada won first place for the third time.

For him, the Chimera Games play an important role in introducing people to new and unusual activities.

From dancing Flamenco to performances with basketballs and footballs, the games are a place to be entertained and to try your hand at whatever strikes your fancy.

Proving popular this year is the Reg Style group, which combines breakdancing with Double Dutch jump rope. The group is well known in Japan for its fashion and dance choreography. Formed in 2015, they have won several Double Dutch competitions.

The Chimera Games are held twice a year in the Spring and Autumn in Tokyo.