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Video. Air Guitar World Championship 2022 in Finland

The world's best faux guitarists gathered in Oulu, Finland on Friday for the World Air Guitar Championships.

The world's best faux guitarists gathered in Oulu, Finland on Friday for the World Air Guitar Championships.

The Air Guitar World Championship was first held in 1996 as part of the Oulu August Festival. The declared aim of this unusual competition is to "promote world peace".

According to the organisers, air guitar is an ideal medium to promote peaceful coexistence, as it is a form of expression open to all.

Kirill "Guitarantula" Blumenkrants (French) was crowned the new Air Guitar World Champion because he scored the most points in the world final.

The French competitors did well this year: Frederic "French Kiss" Reau won the second place.

The third place was shared between three air guitarists: Charles Kariuki "Slim" Ndung'u (Kenya), Alex "Jinja Assasin" Roberts (Australia), and Apolline "Lady Attila" Andreys (France).