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 A Chinese Crested and Pug cross called Peggy was voted Britain's ugliest dog. Now she has become a local celebrity.

Video. Watch: Britain's ugliest dog finds unexpected fame

With her permanently dangling tongue, hairlessness and scruffy mohawk, Peggy's unconventional appearance has always attracted attention wherever she goes, a Chinese Crested and Pug cross called Peggy was voted Britain's ugliest dog.

With her permanently dangling tongue, hairlessness and scruffy mohawk, Peggy's unconventional appearance has always attracted attention wherever she goes, a Chinese Crested and Pug cross called Peggy was voted Britain's ugliest dog.

But since winning the award, Peggy has appeared on the two most popular breakfast television shows in the UK, and her photo has been published in newspapers.

Now people on the street recognise Peggy and instead of whispering they ask for selfies.

"I'd walk down the street with her and you'd see people look and maybe whisper to their friends or look like there was something wrong with her," said her owner Holly Middleton. 

"Whereas now, now she's sort of been on telly a little bit and people want to come up, they want to have selfies with her, they want a stroke her, just people seem to know who she is already," she added.


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