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Priests bathing in cold water

Video. Buddhist priests bathe in cold river in annual purification ritual

Koyasan, or Mount Koya, is known as the centre of Shingon Buddhism. More than a hundred temples are located there.

Koyasan, or Mount Koya, is known as the centre of Shingon Buddhism. More than a hundred temples are located there.

The annual ritual took place on Sunday at a river that runs through Okunoin temple. The mausoleum of the founder of Shingon Buddhism is situated at Okunoin.

Eight people wearing white clothes and holding beads in their hands took part. The participants maintained a distance from one another, as they entered the water, as a precaution against the coronavirus.

They chanted sutras to the sound of clapping wooden blocks.

The temperature of the air and the water were both zero degrees Celsius at 10 a.m.

Tsujita Shinkai is a senior priest at Hojuin temple. She was one of the participants.

“We`re praying that people around the world can really live in peace, and that, after two years, the coronavirus pandemic can be brought under control as soon as possible, so our lives will be safe once again.” she said.


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