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Macron defends EU agricultural policy at Paris showcase

Video. Macron defends EU agricultural policy at Paris showcase

French President Emmanuel Macron spoke in defence of Europe's agricultural policy as he visited the annual Paris International Agricultural Show on Saturday.

French President Emmanuel Macron spoke in defence of Europe's agricultural policy as he visited the annual Paris International Agricultural Show on Saturday.

Macron, who spent the day shaking hands with farmers and tasting regional specialties, said farming was going through a transition.

He said he stood for an "ambitious budget" for the Common Agricultural Policy which he believed would help producers through the transition.

He said: "It's a policy of the future because if we want this climate, environmental and sanitary transition to be a success we need to change how we produce and we can do that through the CAP."

The fair is a hallmark of French politics with presidents turning up each year and spending hours between stands.


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