Now playing Next Health news ‘Heart in a box’ device slashes heart transplant waiting lists The box pumps blood through hearts that have stopped beating, to “reanimate” them so they can be used for transplants. 01/11/2022
Now playing Next Health news Could this gel help repair damaged hearts and avoid transplants? Scientists are trialling a special gel that acts as a scaffold for stem cells to help the heart regenerate after injury. 10/06/2022
Now playing Next Tech News Euroviews. Why the 'Frankenscience' of animal-to-human transplants must stop Pigs are sentient beings who are no different from humans; they too can feel fear and pain. They shouldn't be treated as warehouses of spare parts. 21/03/2022
Now playing Next Health news World's first pig heart transplant patient dies after 2 months The groundbreaking procedure was a last-ditch attempt to save the life of David Bennett, who died two months after the transplant was carried out. 09/03/2022
Now playing Next Health news German researchers plan to breed pigs for human heart transplants The first pig will be ready this year with its heart tested in a baboon before it's hoped clinical trials can begin for future use in humans. 03/02/2022
Now playing Next Health news Patient without COVID vaccine denied heart transplant by US hospital The Boston hospital said it is their policy that all transplant patients be COVID vaccinated because of the higher risks of them dying from the virus. 27/01/2022
Now playing Next Health news US doctors transplant pig heart into human in world-first surgery The groundbreaking surgery marks the latest step in the decades-long quest to one day use animal organs for life-saving transplants in humans. 11/01/2022