Now playing Next Health news Europe's 'silent killer': Experts on how to lower high blood pressure Hypertension, while common, can lead to heart disease and stroke if unmanaged, leading medics to often refer to it as a "silent killer". 17/05/2024
Now playing Next Health news Spanish doctors perform first robotic heart surgery on teenagers Medics at two hospitals in Barcelona operated on two teenagers with congenital heart disorders for the first time with modernised robotic techniques. 13/04/2024
Now playing Next Living Bright lights at night could increase your risk of stroke Stroke risk increases with outdoor light pollution and 80% of people could be affected, a new study finds. 26/03/2024
Now playing Next Health news Can plastic pollution damage our heart health? A new study analysed the impact of plastics on heart health, showing a higher risk of heart attacks or strokes. 08/03/2024
Now playing Next Nutrition Living near fast-food places could be bad for your heart health: study Participants near the highest density of ready-to-eat food places had a 16 per cent greater risk of heart failure, according to a new study. 27/02/2024
Now playing Next Health news Scientists make lab-grown hearts to train AI tool The lab-grown hearts, called organoids, are made from human stem cells, and destroyed after 28 days. 15/02/2024
Now playing Next Health news This vest can predict risk of sudden cardiac death in 5 minutes The ECGI vest uses 256 sensors to give doctors a large amount of electrical information in just 5 minutes. 22/12/2023
Now playing Next Green News Ireland’s new forecast allows people to check their local air quality The air quality forecast is especially important for people with asthma and heart conditions who are particularly vulnerable to pollution. 03/11/2023
Now playing Next Health news Four in five people with hypertension aren’t adequately treated - WHO Just one in five people with hypertension have controlled it, the World Health Organization said. 20/09/2023
Now playing Next Work Hard work for little reward could raise risk of heart disease in men A study found working in a stressful job for insufficient reward had similar ill-effects on heart health to obesity. 19/09/2023
Now playing Next Green News Heart attacks fell after this US city closed a coal plant 7 years ago One researcher compared the benefits from cleaner air to the health gains people make after quitting smoking. 04/08/2023
Now playing Next Health news Adults with mental disorders at higher risk of stroke or heart attack Some mental health conditions can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke in younger adults by a factor of three, new research shows. 09/05/2023
Now playing Next Health news Which countries in Europe have the healthiest diets? It’s no secret that some countries eat better than others - but which are some of the healthiest in Europe? 04/05/2023
Now playing Next Health news Doctors are testing radiation to cure a major cause of cardiac arrest Radiation normally reserved for cancer patients is being tested on 400 patients to see if it helps repair misfiring heart cells. 02/05/2023
Now playing Next Health news Air pollution linked to dangerous heart conditions in major study Using data from 2,025 hospitals in China, researchers found air pollution raises the risk of irregular heartbeat. 01/05/2023
Now playing Next Health news Long COVID sufferers at higher risk of heart problems and death New research reveals the alarming effects of long COVID, including higher mortality rates and long-term health risks including heart problems. 14/03/2023
Now playing Next Health news This AI-powered defibrillator is designed to save lives at home The device made by French company, Lifeaz, is fully automatic and can give vocal commands in case of an emergency. 06/01/2023
Now playing Next Health news Extreme temperatures increase the risk of dying from heart diseases Heart disease is the biggest cause of death worldwide - and climate change may be fueling the risks. 12/12/2022
Now playing Next Health news AI predicts 10-year risk of heart attack or stroke from a single X-ray Advances in AI are making it possible for researchers to use more data from X-ray imaging to predict future health risks. 29/11/2022
Now playing Next Health news New 3D probe can help doctors better repair babies' hearts The probe helps surgeons examine the functioning of the heart and the quality of surgery with great precision - even if the patients weigh only 5 kg. 25/11/2022